Eric Bouvier

Junior Javascript Developer.

(It's Boo-Vee-Ayy)


Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.

Marcus Aurelius

What you should know about me


My name is Eric Bouvier. I am the proud father of two fluffy boys named Osiris and Blu. They are both Australian cattle dogs-- soon to be competetive flyball players. I love movies, especially Tarantino's films and anything Marvel. If I'm not training with my dogs, watching a movie, or playing some video games chances are that I am


I graduated from Ball State University in the Summer of 2017. I'll be graduating from Eleven Fifty Academy's extensive and accelerated Javascript bootcamp in early August, and my goal is to get a job within a month of graduation. I hope that you are convinced that you should be the employer to help with that goal. If not, I would still love to hear your feedback.

Links to my work:

Let's work together